Channel: Comments on: Choking – why we need to stop uselessly fretting about it and instead Learn What To Do If It Happens.
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By: Aitch


I presume the point you are trying to make is an undermining one, but in fact it merely serves to reinforce the point that I was making, which was that we should accept that, yes, bad things can happen and take steps to know what to do about them. You can leave your child unbuckled in his or her car seat every day of their lives and they’ll come to no harm so long as you never have an accident. It’s not an accident-prevention product, the car seat, it’s a damage limitation one.
Similarly, you can leave them slipping about in a bath to their hearts’ content, so long as they don’t go under the water and drown. You keeping an eye on them doesn’t change the essential danger of child + water, it just means that in the event of something dangerous happening, you’re there to stop things getting too bad.
So with food, as I say, the thing to do with regards to choking is not necessarily to cut everything up into tiny pieces, unless you plan to be there for everything they eat for the rest of their childhoods (indeed, lives. I’ve said it before but the one time I used my resus knowledge was on a four-ish year old boy in a park. Total stranger to me, I’ve no idea how he was weaned).
Far better not to obsess pointlessly, but to be sensible and moderate and know what to do to limit damage in the event that something untoward happens. Teach your child how to manage food from a young age, teach them to chew first and swallow later, let them learn how to handle a larger item, within reason. All the while with you watching, just as with the bath. After all, if your child chokes on something that until that moment you didn’t consider ‘choking hazard food’, you’ll both be better served by an infant resus course than a smug satisfaction that you were doing everything right re food until then.

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